
Let Your Skin Sparkle not Shrivel This Winter

Memorable winter Grayson storm has just hit the East Coast and it’s made for some enjoyable snow days. One of my favorite things is the sparkle of the snow covered land as the morning sun starts to shine. Along with all the fun that comes from snow days, frigid...

The Real Deal (or is it) with MLMs

This week you have seen several of your friends and high school acquaintances post pictures of their new entrepreneur, #girlboss business on Facebook. If she was really motivated she probably contacted you with a personal PM to introduce the company or business...

What’s for Dessert?…My Struggle with Sweets

Last week, I took a break from posting for a trip to Maryland to visit a new momma, my dear friend from my time living overseas in Thailand. Our visit was short but so sweet (no pun intended for the title of the post) and her two-month baby girl is her mini-me for...